Imagination Series: InDesign

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The Imagination Series is a set of specialized classes that are designed to build a solid foundation in three of the most widely used Adobe programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Learn to retouch your photos, enhance their color, correct red-eye, and become familiar with layers in Photoshop Level 1. Then elevate your skills with Photoshop Level 2 where you will learn more complex techniques and program functions to push the boundaries of your photo manipulation. Adobe Illustrator gives your freedom of total creation. Learn to digitally draw with a wide set of tools such as the pen tool, line tools, shape tools, and thousands of colors! InDesign gives you the power to become a desktop publisher. Take all of your digital art from Photoshop and Illustrator and turn it into your next set of homemade Christmas cards, calendar for your office, or a flyer for your garage sale. With this class you will learn how to layout images, set text, and gain an understanding of pagination. These classes can help bridge the gap between the enthusiast and the professional. Individually take only the classes you prefer or take them all as the Imagination Series. Let your imagination run wild!
Thurs, June 6 – Jun 27 • (4 Sessions)
6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m.
$55 • BD 210 • CRN: 2003
Please call 479-788-7220 to register prior to class date.