Golf Intermediate

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Take 6 weeks to build on the skills and knowledge you learned in “Golf for Beginners” and get onto the course with advanced skills and techniques. Learn principles of the game including tee-to-green management, etiquette, ball control and other skills designed to improve your game. Access to club and golf balls will be provided during class. Fee is due at registration. An additional $20 is due the first day of class for 1st Tee usage.  The $20 includes an additional 5 small buckets of balls.  Students will also receive 5 free rounds of golf during the spring.
Tues, Apr 02 – May 07 • (6 Sessions)
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
$55  ( plus $20 green fees)
First Tee of Ft.Smitih • CRN: 6148
Couples Pricing $45 • CRN: 6149
Please call 479-788-7220 to register prior to class date.