Fort Smith boss issues priority progress report

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 100 views 

Fort Smith City Administrator Ray Gosack on Thursday issued a report on the progress he believes has been made on “top strategic priorities” and “tactical issues” established during an April and May 2011 retreat between top city staff and the Fort Smith Board of Directors.

The city’s list of accomplishments toward the priorities comes less than 10 days after Fort Smith voters overwhelmingly approved a broad package of infrastructure and recreational improvements through a 1% sales tax extension.

Voters agreed to extend the use of a 1% sales tax to refinance bonds, pay for the issuance of new bonds and support operations of the Fort Smith Fire Department and Fort Smith Parks & Recreation Department. The bonds are estimated to finance more than $112.56 million in new bonds and potentially direct $45 million in 10 years toward the operations of the city’s Fire Department and Parks Department.

The six priorities resulting from the retreat, according to Gosack’s report, are:
• Riverfront Development — support the U.S. Marshals Museum, establish a plan for attracting corporate headquarters, extend infrastructure, and beautification;

• Interstate-49 — lobby federal and state legislators, the Federal Highway Administration, and define time frames for completion of the project;

• Ben Geren Park Improvements — work in conjunction with Sebastian County Quorum Court to develop a plan for park improvements & identify funding mechanism for capital and operational costs;

• Vision 2025 Plan — assess progress of implementing the existing comprehensive plan, incorporate newer studies and findings, learn from other cities’ experiences, and develop a game plan, in conjunction with transportation, tourism, downtown, economic development, entertainment, and recreation;

• Fire Station Improvements — communication with public and involvement of insurance agents, prepare conceptual plan and cost estimates for Station 11 at Chaffee Crossing, and consider options for financing construction, equipping and operations; and,

• Wet Weather Improvements — continued progress toward compliance with the federal Clean Water Act.

“These long-term strategic priorities give staff a focus beyond the day-to-day functions of a municipality,” Gosack noted in the report. “An essential part of our job is to provide city services around the clock to citizens, but we also have a responsibility to think ten and twenty years ahead. The mayor and board of directors set the top strategic priorities and I’m proud of the work our staff has invested in each of the priorities so far.”

Gosack noted that “(a)dditional strides have been made toward tactical issues” that include launching a monthly electronic newsletter, initiating use of Facebook and Twitter, and establishing a series of quarterly neighborhood meetings in each of the city’s four wards.

The report including the following “specific accomplishments” related to the six priorities (language used is verbatim from the city’s press release).
• Riverfront Development
selection of a design engineer was recently approved and the 2012 budget includes funding for water and sewer extensions along Riverfront Drive from Riverfront Park to North P. Street. Additionally, downtown development/CBID collaboration with the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce is resulting in a targeted marketing campaign for site selectors and developers seeking a new corporate headquarters.

• I-49
Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department reports completion of the structures and roadway between Highway 22 and Highway 71 is tentatively scheduled for late 2013. Surfacing is scheduled for 2014. No funding is available for additional segments of the I-49 corridor.

• Ben Geren Park Improvements
Funding will soon be in place for design and construction of ball fields and the aquatic center as approved by voters on March 13, 2012.

• Vision 2025 Plan
Based on feedback from a late October 2011 study session, partial funding to begin an update to the comprehensive plan in 2012. Work is set to commence during the 3rd quarter of 2012, anticipating that additional funding will be needed in 2013. The board of directors also expressed an interest in launching a citizen-centric effort based on “Fayetteville Forward.” While this project would be somewhat related to the comprehensive plan update, it will be more focused on economic development, volunteerism, and creating citizen-led synergies.

• Fire Station Improvements
Funding will soon be in place for design & construction and operation of Station 11 at Chaffee Crossing and procurement of capital equipment necessary to position FSFD to retain the City of Fort Smith’s ISO 2 insurance rating in 2013 – 2014, and to provide additional upgrades to enhance the safety and performance of Fort Smith firefighters. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2013 and the station should be operational by late 2013 or early 2014.

• Wet Weather Sanitary Sewer Improvements
In late February 2012, the City of Fort Smith achieved a significant milestone in its effort to correct issues on this front – with the removal of the final two man-made sewer overflow relief pipes from the collection system. In the late 1970’s, 21 overflow relief pipes were installed throughout the city. While the removal of the final 2 relief pipes is a significant accomplishment – and is a result of significant investment on the part of the taxpayers of Fort Smith – there are still naturally-occurring wet weather system that must be addressed. From 1994 to 2010, $124 million in infrastructure improvements has been invested and in the past five years, the sum of money invested is approximately $90 million.