Diavolo Dance Theater

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For tickets, please visit http://www.waltonartscenter.org/calendar/view.aspx?id=6169
Diavolo is 10-member company comprised of dancers, gymnasts and actors who deliver large-scale interdisciplinary performances that examine the funny and frightening ways individuals behave within their environment. Known for outrageous and surrealistic set designs, Diavolo performances use everyday items such as doors, chairs and stairways provide the back-drop for dramatic movement that creates metaphors for the challenge of relationships, the absurdities of life and the struggle to maintain our humanity in an increasingly technological world. The company will perform Fearful Symmetries, a dance that illuminates the parallel between mathematics and the human soul by creating a metaphor of bodies and geometry interacting.

Fearful Symmetries starts and ends as a cube.  This cube symbolizes the beginning of consciousness, representing mankind’s relationship with wisdom, truth and science.  Fearful Symmetries illuminates the parallel between mathematics and the human soul by creating a metaphor of bodies and geometry interacting. Like a sculptor carving a raw piece of stone, the performers act as abstract factory workers to discover and explore the possibilities of the cube and their environment