Giving Thanks at New Year’s

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 72 views 


It seems like yesterday we were turning the calendar to a new year. After all the parties, planning and new hopes, 2011 will soon become history. For many, this year has been filled with challenges, struggles and new opportunities. Yet others still fought new business battles, claimed new customer victories and pondered the future state as the political and economic landscapes provided another tumultuous time.

While 2011 may have been a dream or left you screaming in your dreams, there is plenty to reflect on and give thanks to before 2012 opens the door. Having trouble finding areas to be thankful for? Start with the list below and before you know it, even the toughest year can uncover some gems.

The backbone of any business. Customers can be tough, demanding and critical. However, they can also be fun, supportive, dedicated and loyal. Customers come in all shapes, sizes, markets, backgrounds and more and they are can make or break your company. Take a moment to reflect on your customers and give thanks for what they allow you to do — operate your business.

While there are days you wonder why you hired them or need them, reflecting on what they have accomplished and contributed to the business allows you an opportunity to see how well you have served them as well. Show your appreciation for your employees throughout the year as they earn the recognition, and you will see a return on investing in their efforts.

Vendors are often the unsung heroes in a business. In those moments when you are in a pinch and a critical vendor comes through to save the day, give thanks to those moments. Give thanks to the vendors who have worked with you through good and bad times and give thanks to the vendors that support your business success.

For those who needed more than their own cash to start and grow a business, you need to take time to thank those who have helped finance your business dream. Business finance is about relationships, and the stronger relationship you develop, the more risk they will be willing to take on you. Being thankful for the services they provide to you is a great way to grow those relationships.

I don’t think there is a single family who hasn’t sustained a battle scar or two from being related or married to an entrepreneur. Like it or not, the business does go home to show up at the dinner table, soccer game or school recital. From juggling school projects while on conference calls or cutting off the Saturday morning cartoons to make a Sams Club run before aisles fill up with free samples and the public blocking your way, family gives more than most entrepreneurs realize (or don’t want to realize).

While it may be frustrating that junior is crying over spending time at the business rather than at home playing the Wii, the sacrifice they make is enough to take time and thank your family for their support and patience. Additionally, showing appreciation to your family will encourage them to continue to support the growth of a business even if they don’t fully understand why.

There are going to be many days where running a business are going to “push your buttons.” However, don’t lose sight of the days where you end the day with self respect, self confidence and (most importantly) a smile.

Take time this New Year’s countdown to remember those days from 2011 and give thanks to those who supported and helped make your dreams a reality this year and going forward.

Stockman can be reached at
[email protected]