Support delivered via outrageous pink outfits

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 72 views 


story and photos by Joel Rafkin
[email protected]

A group of about 100 women gathered at the Donald W. Reynolds Cancer Support House Tuesday evening (Oct. 4) to celebrate life in an over-the-top manner — wearing outrageous pink outfits.

The second annual Pink Fru Fru Tea Party was organized by Patricia Brown, Lucy Hill and Jennifer Kelly. All of the cancer support groups from the house were invited to the no-charge event. Most of the food was provided by the hosts with some of the attendees contributing as well.

Jennifer Kelly had a small party for friends three years ago to celebrate her victory over breast cancer. She and co-survivor Lucy Hill thought it would be a great idea to expand that celebration to all cancer patients and survivors.

"Those of us who are cancer survivors know that the key to getting well and getting on with it is laughter," said Kelly.

"People who look the other way are dead; they’re in the cemetery. Those of us who do not look the other way are still alive," Kelly said after mentioning that free mammograms are available in Fort Smith.

Everyone who attended was asked to bring paper goods, cleaning supplies or other items in need at the cancer support house. This enables funds to be spent on the more pressing needs of people rather than the mundane necessities, Kelly said.

Attendees also brought a gift-wrapped pink item to be exchanged among each other similar to a secret Santa party. Those undergoing cancer treatment had the first pick of the gifts. Anyone who had a mammogram in the past six months were next followed by the rest of the group. Three large door prizes were also awarded.

A costume contest was judged by Rick Parrish, David Sims and Robert Morgan who were invited specifically for the task and were the only men present. Kelly mentioned that the judges could be "bought" and there was no criteria for their decisions — keeping with the lighthearted nature of the event.

Camryn Presley won first place in the costume contest and received a pink watch donated by the Diamond Center. The four runner-ups won pink tulip bulbs and a planting trowel.

Each guest was presented with a treat bag as they left the party. The bags contained a small gift, cancer information and a list of needs for the cancer support house.