Fort Smith chamber surveys members on 1% tax vote

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 65 views 

The Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce pushed an electronic survey out its membership on Tuesday asking for their thoughts about the Fort Smith Convention Center and a proposed 1% prepared food tax intended to support the center and its programming.

The survey will be available to members for about a week, said Chamber President Paul Harvel, and results may become public sometime around mid-October. However, Harvel said, the extent to which survey results will be made public will be up to the chamber’s executive committee and board of directors.

A 1% prepared food tax was originally enacted by the board in February as a solution to an annual deficit with Fort Smith Convention Center operations predicted to occur when $1.8 million in annual state turnback money dried up. The state turnback program —which supported expansion or construction of tourism facilities — ended for Fort Smith in June 2010. The center has since operated on a reserve fund. A 1% prepared food tax is estimated to raise about $1.8 million annually.

The board changed direction on the tax after months of public uproar. In a July 28 special meeting, the board unanimously voted to repeal the original food tax ordinance, re-enact the tax, and send the measure to voters in a Nov. 8 special election. Fort Smith board members have said the tax, if approved Nov. 8, would be brought before voters again in five years to give them a chance to approve of how the effort is being managed.

Harvel, who has more than 30 years experience in chamber work, said he has always sought to seek membership opinion on issues facing a community.

“I just wanted a general idea on the membership about where they are on the issue,” Harvel said when asked about the survey. “I think it’s very important for the membership to express their opinion.”

In recent days, the city of Fort Smith has issued a note on the funding history of the convention center and a release on a 6-year funding plan for the center.

Harvel said the chamber also is likely to issue a position (for, against, or neutral) on the 1% prepared food tax around mid-October.

The survey structure appears to block attempts to respond repeatedly to the same e-mail request to take the survey.

Following are the questions and available responses pushed in the chamber survey.
• How familiar are you with the Fort Smith Convention Center?
Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not too familiar
Not at all familiar

• What is your general impression of the Fort Smith Convention Center?
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable

• Do you believe the Convention Center is an asset to our community?

• On July 28, 2011 the Fort Smith City Board of Directors voted to have an election on November 8 to raise the city sales tax on prepared food, sometimes called the "hamburger tax," by one-cent to support the Fort Smith Convention Center. If the election were held today would you vote for or against a one-cent increase in the city’s prepared food tax?
Definitely vote for
Probably vote for
Probably vote against
Definitely vote against

• Fort Smith is the only city in Arkansas with a publicly-owned convention center that does not have a prepared food tax to support the convention center’s operation. Does knowing this make you more likely or less likely to vote for a prepared food tax for the convention center, or does it make no difference?
More likely to vote for
Less likely to vote for
Makes no difference

• A one-cent sales tax on prepared foods would allow the convention center to bring in more theater shows, concerts and other entertainment, attract more convention visitors and tourists, expand and improve parking, etc. Does knowing this make your more likely or less likely to vote for a one-cent prepared food tax for the convention center, or does it make no difference?
More likely vote for
Less likely vote for
Makes no difference

• The economic impact of the convention center on the Fort Smith economy has been estimated to be at least twenty million dollars a year. Does knowing this make you more or less likely to vote for a prepared food tax for the convention center, or does it make no difference?
More likely to vote for
Less likely to vote for
Makes no difference

• Do you think the Fort Smith Chamber should take an official position regarding the prepared food tax?
Yes, the Chamber should support the prepared food tax
Yes, the Chamber should oppose the prepared food tax
No, the Chamber should remain neutral