Taste of Silk Road Tour
Students will meet at the Silk Road Grill. The Silk Routes were trade routes linking east and west as travelers sought out fine fabrics, spices, perfumes and new vistas. From before the first century these trade routes saw the peoples of Italy, Greece and Turkey meet the peoples of the east, India and China. This class will learn of the phrases, customs, and peoples that populated the Silk Road. Join us as we dine at Fort Smith’s own “Silk Road” restaurant and taste that exotic mix of Indian, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cuisine. Lunch is included, non-alcoholic drinks provided. Fee: $19. Venue: Silk Road Grill, 4300 Rogers Ave #10 Fort Smith Ar. Registration deadline is Wednesday, August 10. Trip is limited to 12 students.
For more information or to register, call the Center for Lifelong Learning at 479-788-7220 or visit www.uafs.edu/lifelonglearning.