Sarah Huckabee Sanders says new book tells her side of time in Trump White House

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 2,406 views 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders conducts a press conference at the White House.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ new book, Speaking for Myself, offers her version of events behind-the-scenes during her tenure in the Trump White House.

Serving in the press office and as White House Press Secretary for two-and-a-half years, Huckabee Sanders said she felt the time was right to write the book now in order to counterbalance other narratives that paint a darker picture of President Trump and his time in office.

“I think there have been so many negative books about the president and oftentimes from people who didn’t spend the type of time with him that I did. I saw a president who loves this country, is fighting for America, and I saw the generous and compassionate side of Donald Trump day-in and day-out over the two and a half years that I spent working for him. And I wanted people to see the person that I got to know and that was one of the big catalysts for writing the book,” she said.

Her book details events that went on in private in the White House and shares her perspective as a working mom to three young children while serving in the high-pressure position of press secretary. Losing time with her family was the main reason, she bowed out of the job last year.

Huckabee Sanders said Trump’s high-octane style of disruptive politics made the task a tough one. Serving as White House Press Secretary is one of the most stressful jobs in any administration.

“I was fortunate enough that I got to spend a lot of time with the president and I wasn’t just trying to learn things prior to walking into the room, but I had a very good foundation,” she said. “I was in the room for those critical decisions and those critical moments. So I watched things as they were happening and I participated in those meetings.

“One of the things that this president, he may be fighting with the press a lot, but he understood the power of the press and knew it would be impossible for me to do my job effectively if I didn’t know the message and the best way to do that was to have me in the room and so he took me with him everywhere,” she added.

The daughter of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, she has been asked hundreds of times about a future political run in 2022. True to form, she says a decision on a possible gubernatorial run won’t be made until well after the November election.

“Right now, my focus is on 2020. I think we need to put all of our time and resources into the election that’s directly in front of us,” Huckabee Sanders said. “We haven’t had an election this consequential in my lifetime and my focus is on helping the president get re-elected, helping us maintain the Senate. I’d love to see Republicans take back the House and never have to utter the word ‘Speaker Pelosi’ again. So I’m going to stay very focused on that and I’ll make a decision about what’s next after we get to 2021.”

You can watch her full interview in the video below.