Weekend Digest: Swing-State Polls Show Obama Lead

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 69 views 

For our weekend political readers:

After two political conventions and heading into the post-Labor Day sprint, President Barack Obama leads Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the key battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and Virginia, according to new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls of each of these three states.

In both Florida and Virginia, Obama is ahead of Romney by five points among likely voters (including those leaning toward a particular candidate), 49 percent to 44 percent. In Ohio, the president’s lead is seven points, 50 percent to 43 percent.

Click here to read more.

Forbes contributor Ken Krogue, co-founder of InsideSales.com, offers an op-ed on how he’ll vote this fall.

I grew up in a Republican home. My business partner, our CEO Dave Elkington, grew up Democrat. He is extremely intelligent and I can hold my own. We are the two founders of InsideSales.com. We are opposites in almost every way. But this opposing yet complimentary balance has been powerful in the extreme.

We agree we will vote as entrepreneurs, and our 140 employees and their families will probably do the same (beyond this, these opinions are mine and I don’t speak for Dave. He may choose to respond himself).

True entrepreneurs are the statesmen and stateswomen of business.

What’s the point he’s trying to make? In short, the truth lies in the middle and there is a “entrepreneurial party platform” that he outlines. Read more at this link.

There is a lot of election-themed advertising in the public domain this fall. From Mary Matalin and James Carville to the Oregon Duck, check out Mashable’s “7 Marketing Strategies with a Flair for Politics.”

Whether via a faux presidential candidate or an actual political personality, ads are reflecting the intertwined nature of American democracy and capitalism — and we still have two months left until election day. Some election-themed marketing campaigns are good for a few chuckles; others you’ll find cringe-worthy. And still others prove the viral power of a timely and trending concept.

Check out the highlighted 7 here.