Shackelford: Medical Marijuana Effort Under The Radar

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 114 views 

Scott Shackelford, opinion writer with our content partner The City Wire checks in on the quiet debate centered on this year’s medicinal marijuana proposal.

So far, it has been a quiet crusade for supporters of the proposal and the potential opponents have not made as much noise as expected.

Says Shackelford:

Far more impressive, and telling, is the lack of dust this admittedly impressive accomplishment failed to kick up. Despite a worthy bit of news coverage, public reaction has been largely mute. Because the election is still a good ways off? Maybe. But I’m guessing the much more likely reason has to do with a growing recognition that medical marijuana just isn’t the hot-bottom topic it once was.

Surely most individuals who adamantly believe propositions like this one are a terrible idea lack an appreciation for the medical professionals caring for a patient in serious pain to also be left wondering what more could be done. After all, the ballot proposal is only talking about 2.5 ounces; such a small amount won’t likely turn an ailing senior citizen into a drug kingpin.

Odds are, too, that most people strenuously against coming to the assistance of their fellow countrymen are missing an appreciation of what it feels like to have an immediate family member in terrible pain. Closely reconsidering strongly held beliefs about what is so obviously right and wrong in life is always so much easier when it is someone else’s child, parent or close friend who is actively seeking relief. But what if it wasn’t? What if it was you?

Read Shackelford’s entire take at this link.