Indoor sports facility on Fort Smith Board study session agenda - Talk Business & Politics

Indoor sports facility on Fort Smith Board study session agenda

by Tina Alvey Dale ( 1,600 views 

An indoor sports facility that could bring thousands of visitors a year and generate more than $1 million in sales tax revenue will be discussed at Tuesday night’s (Feb. 25) Fort Smith Board of Directors study session.

The Fort Smith Advertising and Promotion Commission engaged with Phoenix-based Huddle Up Group and Synergy Sports to complete a sports tourism strategic plan and further review or expand upon the Conventions, Sports & Leisure Study on the indoor sports facility that was completed in 2022.

Huddle Up Group will present its strategy for developing sports tourism in the city Tuesday night, and Synergy Sports will present its findings and potential funding pathway for an indoor sports facility to be built with private funds through a public-private partnership.

Ashleigh Bachert, executive director of the Fort Smith Convention and Visitors Bureau, told the Central Business Improvement District (CBID) board of trustees Thursday that it looks like the best place for an indoor sports facility would be on Phoenix Avenue because of its proximity to hotels and restaurants.

“We need it to be closer to a lot more amenities,” she said.

The working idea is to build the facility behind Home2 Suites at 7400 Phoenix Ave. The land would have to be leased from the airport, Bachert said. She added that no exact site has been finalized.

“(That area) already has all the hotels, all within walking distance. If you can get that with restaurants right there, you will be successful,” she said.

Bachert said the A&P is not asking for money from the city to build the proposed 120,000-square-foot facility, but the city would need to guarantee lease payments until the center’s generated revenues could cover that expense. It would be less than $500,000 a year for the first couple of years that the city would need to guarantee, she said.

“Then it is self-sustaining. The ongoing lease (to the nonprofit that will build the facility) would be paid by the revenue of the facility, Bachert said.

The proposed facility would be able to accommodate eight basketball courts, 16 volleyball courts, or 32 pickleball or 32 Futsal courts. The space would also be able to accommodate badminton, archery and other leisure sports.

It is estimated the facility could generate $1.3 million in sales tax revenue, Bachert said.

“After the presentation, the A&P commission respectfully requests the city directors place indoor sports facility development on a future regular meeting agenda,” Bachert noted in a memo to the city. “A motion to allow city administration to enter into negotiations regarding a MOU or MOA to partner with a private funding organization to build the facility would be greatly appreciated.”

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