NEA Women in Business: D Terrell Patterson
by September 4, 2024 8:31 am 54 views
Residence: Jonesboro
Education: Attended Arkansas State University; licensed cosmetologist, certified natural hair specialist and a certified trichologist
What was your dream job and why? My dream job was to become a registered nurse. I thought nursing would be rewarding. I wanted to assist the broken or sick patients and assist in restoring their lives back to health. I found out quickly the cosmetology and nursing went hand in hand. My clients are often broken and feeling down upon arriving to their appointment. After a few moments of counseling — all the problems of the world are solved in the salon — cutting, coloring, and styling my client’s hair, a new person evolves. The mirror reveals a brand new person full of self confidence and reassurance that they deserve it all. Therefore, I am nursing them back to their perfect health.
What’s the next big personal or career challenge you plan to take on? My next career goal is to educate parents on how to care for their children’s hair, whether it’s a mother needing assistance or a foster/adoptive parent needing to learn how to create a hair care routine for their child or children. I would also like to open a hair restoration center, focusing on a holistic approach to restoring hair loss along with changing the lifestyle.
Who have been mentors who’ve influenced your professional career? My mother, who was a mother of 10 children. She was required to leave school in the eighth grade to work in the field. My mother worked a job that she was not qualified to hold because of her education level. However, she was determined to take care of her family, along with the help of my dad. At 55, she retired from DuPont, went back to school, and received her GED.
Can you share how COVID impacted your business or organization during the pandemic? COVID was a blessing to my business. It allowed me to slow down, work on my business instead of working in my business. I found a whole new world of online education, and I utilized the opportunity to increase knowledge in my field. During the shutdown I took classes and obtained my certification to specialize in natural hair. I also enrolled in a two-year certified trichology program focusing on hair loss. COVID transformed my career as a stylist. Let’s just say COVID was life-changing.
Do you have a significant other and/or children? If so what do you guys like to do for fun? Yes, I have a husband and four children. My daughter, Jasmine and I co-own EbonyX Beauty Supply. My husband, Roosevelt, of 14 years, is my greatest supporter. The store is truly a family business. My son-in-law Terrence is the contractor. My husband assists with marketing. Jasmine and I focus on the day-to-day functioning of the store. We work hard, so we play even harder. We enjoy outside fun and games, from taking a swim with the grandchildren or riding four-wheelers through the trails. We enjoy cooking out and having a game night with the grandchildren.
What character traits do you feel have benefited you in your success? Consistency and showing up daily putting my best forward. Dependability, and willing to pivot and change for growth of my business.
If you have a bucket list, what are the top three things on it? I don’t have a bucket list. I enjoy life one day at a time, and finding the time to enjoy every moment life has to offer.
What’s the last good book you read? I honestly haven’t had time to read a good book lately. The Bible is my daily reading routine, my main source of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom.
What’s your favorite app at the moment? CapCut is my favorite app at the moment. Marketing for my business is made a little easier with CapCut.
How do you spend your time away from work? What are your hobbies? I enjoy decorating and crafting, and taking a blank canvas and creating a masterpiece.
What has been the most fulfilling moment of your career so far? Most major life events start with a visit to the salon or a visit to the beauty retail store. The first day of school, prom, graduation, a wedding, the birth of a child, and Mother’s Day often revolve around a hairstyling, whether it’s the need for a stylist or the resources from the beauty industry. Most people schedule their events based on availability for a hair appointment. Before the prom dress is purchased, hair appointments are scheduled. We purchase school clothes and book appointments at the same time. It’s so rewarding to see the smiling faces on photos and to know I’m a major part of those smiles.
What advice would you give young women who are at the beginning of their careers? My advice to a young woman in the beginning of her career is to remain consistent but don’t be afraid to pivot at the appropriate time.