NEA Women in Business: Candence Brooks
by September 5, 2023 8:52 pm 603 views
Candence Brooks
Chief Operating Officer/Co-Owner
Take 1 Performance
Residence: Jonesboro
Education: Bachelor’s degree in marketing with emphasis in logistics, Arkansas State University; master’s degree in business administration, Arkansas State University
What was your dream job and why? For me, I always saw myself as a business executive even when I was a child. I didn’t know what that meant, but I knew I wanted to work in the business, corporate or financial worlds. When I was in high school, I thought about becoming a pediatrician but opted to go the business route. My calling in life is to be an entrepreneur.
What has been the most fulfilling moment of your career so far? I am a serial entrepreneur. In addition to co-owning Take 1 Performance, I’m also a business consultant and an Arkansas licensed Realtor. I get to impact so many lives through different aspects including fitness, business, and homeownership. I’m fulfilled and blessed daily that I get to do the things I love while helping others. Most of my endeavors are interconnected and that wasn’t intentional or by design but that’s what has happened.
What character traits do you feel have benefited you in your success? I’m a big thinker and love to come up with wild ideas that make your heart race. Then, I like to figure out how to execute those ideas by identifying the right people to help me reach that goal. I also pay a lot of attention to details. I love analyzing data and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
How do you spend your time away from work? I love to shop at thrift stores and find items that I can repurpose or upcycle. I also like doing Pinterest projects such as crafting or trying different recipes.
What advice would you give young women who are at the beginning of their careers? I advise young women to always be open to new possibilities. Take stock of your skills and interests and surround yourself with people who support and challenge you. I don’t believe there is one linear path to career success. Sometimes you have to forge your own path through a collection of experiences. Join causes that resonate with your beliefs. Lastly, find a mentor (or group of people) who will hold you accountable.
If you have a bucket list, what are the top three things on it? The only thing on my bucket list is to own a collection of Airbnbs. I want to own them in countries around the world. There are lots of people in the world that can’t afford to go on vacation. My goal would be to give away free vacations to those people who can’t afford to go on one.
What’s the last good book you read? The last good book I read was “Overcoming Walls to Witnessing,” by Timothy Beougher. I lead a small group at my church and this book was part of our study. It gives practical ways to witness to others about Christ. I apply a lot of these principles in business as well.
What’s your favorite app at the moment? My favorite app is my calendar app. I have everything color-coded by categories including family activities and work appointments for each business. If it’s not on my calendar, it’s probably not happening.