C-Suite: Shannon Campbell

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Class of 2021 C Suite Shannon Campbell Chief Operating Officer Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas, Bentonville

Fast Fact: Campbell has worked for multiple nonprofits for more than 25 years. She became COO of SPSFNWA when two regional organizations merged earlier this year.

What’s the most interesting thing about you that isn’t on your resume? I was in New York City the day the last beam was removed from Ground Zero and attended the parade that was honoring and remembering those impacted by that tragic day.

If you weren’t in your current profession, what would you be doing? I am passionate about helping others and can’t see myself doing anything else. To me, it is all about helping my team and those we serve.

What is the most used app on your phone? Calendar, email, and weather.

In your company/industry, what are the main differences between pre- and post- COVID-19? It was difficult during COVID-19 with the office being closed because staying connected to the recipients in our program is so important. However, it pushed us to be creative and learn new ways to ensure the recipients had the support they needed not only in meeting their educational goals but helping them during the added challenges that COVID-19 presented.

What is one thing you would change about your company if you could today? I am blessed to work for an outstanding organization and with an amazing team. We already do a lot of great things for the single parents and their families, but our dream is to have the opportunity to do even more.

In one sentence, can you express what the most important thing about being a leader is?  A good leader demonstrates integrity, leads by example, supports their team, and is a good listener.

What’s the most recent book you read? I find it difficult to stop long enough to read a book.

If you had $1 million to give, what would you support? There are so many great causes to support, but I would give to organizations helping families in need, abused and neglected children, and my church.

What is the best business advice you have ever received? You can overcome any obstacle with hard work and determination. Set high expectations in everything you do. Learn from your mistakes.

What is the best business advice you have ever given? Always do the right thing. Keep those you serve first in everything you do. Have grace, be genuine and be yourself.

What keeps you up at night or worries you the most? Life is too short to spend all your time worrying. I really try to keep a positive outlook and stay focused on finding a solution.