Libertarian Senate candidate Ricky Harrington calls for end to hyper-partisanship
by September 27, 2020 10:57 am 1,705 views
Whether it involves judicial appointments, citizen protests, or a response to COVID-19, Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate, Ricky Dale Harrington, Jr., believes ending the hyper-partisanship that has paralyzed Washington D.C. needs to end.
Harrington faces incumbent U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who avoided a Democratic opponent when Josh Mahony dropped out of the race two hours after the filing deadline closed last year. Independent Dan Whitfield did not qualify for the ballot.
“We are gaining a lot of steam and building a coalition of Arkansans across the political spectrum. I would hope that this would build up to massive amount of support to help get Tom Cotton out of office,” Harrington said in an interview with Talk Business & Politics. “Further looking down the road, this could be a roadmap for Americans to learn how to work together and accomplish a lot of the things that we hope to accomplish in our legislatures, because we have to get away from this extreme right, extreme left way of doing things because there’s a lot of people that are left out that are in the middle that kind of agree with Republicans and kind of agree with Democrats.”
Harrington discussed a number of current events in the TB&P interview, including:
Filling a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court – “What we’re seeing right now is further evidence of the hyper-partisanship in our country. Back in 2016, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland more than eight months before the election and the Republicans held the football. They took the knee and let the clock run out. And they should have voted on it then. President Trump is a sitting president and he’s within his constitutional right to nominate someone and the Senate is in their constitutional right to vote on him. They should have voted on Merrick back then, they should vote now.”
Trump not committing to a peaceful transition of power, if he loses – “President Trump is the greatest showman on the planet. And sometimes, I don’t know if he’s just saying stuff because he’s so used to working in show business, but it is disturbing because that has been one of the bedrocks of our democracy is the peaceful transition of power, and we’ve done it for centuries.”
Protest movements across the U.S. – “We should allow the people to protest… When we think about Breonna Taylor, if she was your daughter, if she was your sister, if she was your cousin, if she was your best friend – doesn’t matter the skin color – would you want something like that to happen to your relative and no justice is served? … What would you want to happen? Would you want justice? How would you react? That’s essentially how I feel about it.”
You can watch Harrington’s full interview in the video below.