Snively running for new Circuit Court judge’s seat

by Paul Gatling ( 1,842 views 

There is a new judge’s seat up for grabs in the state’s Fourth Judicial Circuit (Washington and Madison counties). Fayetteville attorney Tim Snively plans to campaign for it.

Snively officially announced his intentions on Thursday (May 2). State legislators created the new position because of the population growth in the district. The Fourth Judicial Circuit now has seven circuit judges. Snively is married to one of them — Circuit Judge Cristi Beaumont.

A nonpartisan election for the eighth judgeship is scheduled for March 3, 2020. Snively is, so far, the only announced candidate.

Snively, 54, has been licensed to practice law in Arkansas for 22 years. He was 30 when he started law school at the University of Arkansas and earned his Juris Doctor in 1997. He served as president of the student bar association and was a representative to the American Bar Association.

Snively’s practice handles cases in multiple areas and has represented thousands of clients in civil, criminal and family law matters. He has trial experience working in both state and federal court.

Snively was selected by the Arkansas Supreme Court to serve a six-year term on the Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct, beginning this past January.

Snively is a former president of the Washington County Bar Association. While president, the group was named the outstanding bar association in the state by the Arkansas Bar Association.

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