Stephens, Economics Arkansas partner to create free enterprise education program

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Little Rock-based financial services firm Stephens Inc. has partnered with the nonprofit Economics Arkansas to create an educational program for PreK-12 students across the state, beginning in the 2018-19 school year.

The program, according to a news release, will focus on free enterprise, with Stephens’ multimedia educational series, “This is Capitalism”, which explores the free enterprise system, serving as the key component of the program.

The program will be broken into grade-specific, branded curriculum and comprise 39 workshops and resources for teachers. The program is designed to serve more than 31,000 students and teachers.

“Stephens launched “This is Capitalism,” to shed light on the positive impact that capitalism has had on America,” said president and CEO Warren Stephens. “It is a message that we are particularly focused on sharing with today’s youth, as many possess a limited understanding of the free market. Through meaningful education and practical knowledge, we are empowering the next generation of Arkansas business leaders.

“By virtue of living in the United States, we are all capitalists,” Stephens continued. “Everyday transactions — putting gas in our cars, buying groceries — are just as much a part of capitalism as financing growing companies and investing in ideas. We are proud to partner with Economics Arkansas on this important initiative that will reach students throughout the state.”

The program curriculum will consist of:

  • Itty Bitty Economics”- Through songs, play, art and children’s literature, children as young as 4 years old learn the economic way of thinking. The program serve grades PreK-2; 10 teacher trainings will be offered around the state.
  • “Compact Concept Connectors”- A set of teaching guides that tell the “story of economics” through 12 thoughtfully sequenced statements. Each durable, eight-page foldout guide contains concept background with examples, introductory activity, three reproducible activity pages with teaching notes, key points for students and extension ideas. The program will serve grades K-5; 16 teacher trainings will be offered across the state.
  • “iNSPIRE”- The “This is Capitalism” video series serves as a spring board for lesson plans, activities and research projects about the accomplishments of extraordinary individuals made possible because of certain economic conditions. The program will serve grades 6-12; 11 teacher trainings will be offered around the state.
  • “Teaching Free Enterprise is Arkansas”- Teachers learn from local entrepreneurs and experts how to nurture the next peer group of successful business men and women. The program serves grades 9-12; 2 teacher trainings will be offered.

“Our mission is to ensure that Arkansas students receive the best economic, personal finance and free enterprise education possible,” said Kathleen Lawson, executive director of Economics Arkansas. “We believe that the partnership between Economics Arkansas and Stephens creates ample opportunity to provide teachers, and in turn students, with creative, thought-provoking and insightful materials that will further enhance our program and reach across the state.

“Our vision is for Arkansas students to master an understanding of economics and personal finance and apply that knowledge in the free enterprise system. We are excited to have the support of Stephens to increase our ability to do that.”