House of Songs Ozarks to host international folk pop artist Nive Nielsen

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Nive Nielsen

The House of Songs Ozarks will host an indie folk pop artist from Greenland, Nive Nielsen of Nive and the Deer Children, with several appearances Nov. 4-13 throughout Northwest Arkansas.

Nielsen is a singer-songwriter, guitarist and ukulele player. She is Intuit or Inuk, an indigenous Greenlander, “who combines her music with storytelling,” according to a House of Songs press release.

Nielsen will appear with her husband, Charlie Shapiro, who accompanies her on the stringed instruments kitara and banjo.

Regional musicians Nathan Wilkins, of the Austin-based band The Hikes, Willi Carlisle of Fayetteville and Tulsa Cherokee Nation artist Kalyn Fay will also join Nielsen.

Nielson will perform with Wilkins and Carlisle on Nov. 8, 7-9 p.m. at Dickson Street Pub in downtown Fayetteville.

She will perform with Fay on Nov. 11, 7-9 p.m. at Haxton Road Studios in downtown Bentonville.

Nielson played her first concert for the Queen of Denmark on national television and has won an Independent Music Award in the U.S. Nielson also is an actress that was featured in the movie, “The New World,” starring Colin Farrell, and the AMC TV series “The Terror.”

The House of Songs was brought earlier this year to the Northwest Arkansas region through a partnership with the Walton Family Foundation. The project brings international artists to the area each month for pop-up concerts that are open to the community, according to The House of Songs, and it also offers opportunity for international and regional songwriters and musicians to collaborate.

It is based on a model established by the Austin House of Songs, according to the organization. “Envisioning international collaboration as the driving force for the future, The House of Songs uses music to open dialogues and build understanding and harmony.”

Tickets are available by contacting Kelly Coughlin, president of Annex Communication in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The first House of Songs Ozarks camp took place for a week in February, with 18 artists from countries including Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Canada.

International artists who participated in the first camp included Kaia Kater, Rebecka Digervall, Gareth Averill, Steve Averill, Digging Roots, John Elliot and C.S. Nielsen. U.S. artists include Fay, Adam Torres of Austin, Texas,  and Fayetteville-based Smokey & the Mirror.