More growth for UARK Federal Credit Union
by December 19, 2016 12:00 am 315 views
UARK Federal Credit Union in Fayetteville celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2015, and marked the year by breaking ground for a new, larger building on the north side of town.
With the new headquarters up and running on West Van Asche Drive, the financial cooperative is planning for more growth on the south side of town. UARK has acquired acreage at the northwest corner of South Hill Avenue and MLK Boulevard for $800,000, with the intention of building a second Fayetteville branch.
Operations manager Samantha Williams said no timetable for construction is set. There are two structures that need to be razed as part of the cleanup on the approximately 1-acre site.
According to the most recent data available from the National Credit Union Administration, UARK has 9,429 members and $53.3 million in assets. That amount ranks UARK 11th among 58 federally insured credit unions headquartered in Arkansas, according to the NCUA.
UARK also has a Little Rock branch on the campus of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).