LineGard Med Changes Name, Announces Distribution Agreement
by September 19, 2016 8:31 am 384 views

The Fayetteville-based maker of a breakaway technology preventing dislodgement and pullouts of IVs and feeding tubes has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with a medical supply distributor that can sell to more than 3,000 U.S. hospitals.
Lineus Medical, formerly LineGard Med, announced the agreement with MediCore of Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday (Sept. 15). MediCore manufactures and sells lancets and other medical devices and has secured a contract allowing it to sell in more than 3,000 of the 5,686 hospitals in the United States, according to a news release.
The deal would allow Lineus Medical to sell its SafeBreak I.V. medical device to hospitals with which MediCore has contracts after the product receives FDA approval.
“Lineus Medical has developed what we think is a break-through product for the medical field and, specifically, the vascular access space,” MediCore CEO Josh Pittman said in the news release. “We are excited about the opportunity to launch the SafeBreak I.V. once in receives FDA clearance.”
Spencer Jones, founder and CEO of Lineus Medical, said “we intend to plug the SafeBreak I.V. product into their well established and successful selling processes. One of the reasons MediCore has been so successful in their safety lancet business over the past five years is their ability to obtain and leverage strategic relationships. These strategic relationships, coupled with individual sales representatives contacting hospitals locally, is a strategy that should maximize the reach of our product offering.”