Scott Family Amazeum Surpasses 200,000 Visitors in Seven Months
by February 23, 2016 12:53 pm 652 views
The Scott Family Amazeum in Bentonville has welcomed more than 202,500 visitors since opening seven months ago. Officials with the family museum shared the news Tuesday.
The attendance was measured through last week, according to a museum news release. Special previews for charter members to the museum began July 5, and the museum opened to the public on July 15. Leaders believed the facility would draw approximately 160,000 in its first full year.
“To see more than 200,000 guests little more than halfway through the year is an overwhelming success,” Bob Arvin, president of the museum’s board of directors, said in the release. “The impact we are able to have is similar to that of museums in cities three times our size. Our donors, staff and volunteers have created an experience that fosters creativity and learning and we all look forward to an exciting future with this community.”
Amazeum officials are gearing up to celebrate spring break March 21-25, with festivities to celebrate a “stay-cation” theme expected to attract guests from throughout the region.