An LLC Linked to Tyson Foods Purchased a 17,000-SF building on Emma Avenue

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 439 views 

The land rush continues on Emma Avenue in Springdale. A company by the name of 113 West Emma LLC recently bought the three-story building at 113-115 W. Emma Ave. for $400,000.

The building, with over 17,000 SF of floor space, sits smack dab in the middle of downtown, and is currently being used as a gallery for arts and antiques.

The buyer’s registered agent, Fayetteville attorney T. Craig Jones, would not comment when contacted by Whispers. But it’s interesting to note that Jones is also the registered agent of The Bakery Building LLC, the entity that owns The Bakery Building at 313 W. Dickson St. in Fayetteville. The Bakery Building LLC, of course, is an entity controlled by Tyson Foods Inc. chairman John Tyson.

And while we’re talking about Tyson Foods, Whispers can report that the poultry company has offered $300,000 for the four-parcel property at Emma and Water streets, right across from the Tyson Foods JTL Building at 516 E. Emma Ave., which is now under renovation.

For the last few decades the property has operated as the Discount Corner Flea Market. But if Tyson Foods buys the property, the company will likely clear it for a parking lot.