New Startup Offers 3D Printing Supplies, Education in NWA
by October 12, 2015 12:00 am 566 views
Drew Wallis is among a group of individuals who believe Northwest Arkansas can, and should, become a tech hub.
As co-founder and director of education at NWA3D LLC, he’s doing his part to help that along.
Along with director of operations Joshua Van Vleet, Wallis founded 3D printing supply and education company NWA3D in Fayetteville, with the intention of making 3D printing more accessible to the average user.
Wallis puts his knowledge as a technology specialist to use in stocking what he considers to be the best and most user-friendly products.
NWA3D sells the printers, fully assemble, each with a one-year service guarantee.
In addition, Wallis provides training on how to use the equipment, which he says anyone can do. He also recommends free versions of tools needed to create and format digital 3D files for the printer, as a means to keep the process as affordable as possible.
Efforts are aimed at anyone interested in learning about and using the technology: corporations, individuals and especially schools, to which NWA3D gives special discounts on printers and filament.
Education is where Wallis’ true passion lies. He was a computer science instructor at The New School for four years but opted to leave the job this fall and give his full attention to NWA3D.
“Our main focus is to get this into the hands of as many kids as possible, because we don’t even know what kind of careers we are preparing our kids for,” Wallis said.
The company incorporated in June, and the response from the community and interest in 3D printing has well surpassed Wallis’ expectations, he said.
3D printing was invented in the 1980s but has grown significantly in popularity the last few years.
The applications of the technology are far-reaching, from making prototypes, models and parts for the aerospace, architecture, automotive and medical industries, to printing pizza, cookies and chocolate sculptures.
NWA3D currently sells ElecFreaks 3D printers, unique because of their light-weight, compact and sturdy designs. The price is $549.99.
NWA3D gets its filament from a startup company called Maker Geeks in Springfield, Missouri. Spools of filament run for $34.99 apiece from NWA3D.
Purchases can be made by emailing Wallis said the company plans to open an online store within the next few months.