Great Value Colleges notes value of UAFS nursing programs
by October 7, 2015 6:22 pm 247 views
Great Value Colleges recently named the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith the third-best affordable school for the RN to BSN (nursing) online degree program in the United States.
As justification for the ranking, the website noted the “proper clinical preparation within healthcare systems located throughout the Fort Smith and surrounding community” and the numerous opportunities to join degree-related clubs.
“The School of Nursing faculty have always recognized that their RN to BSN program was an excellent program, not only for its value, but also its quality,” Dr. Carolyn Mosley, dean of the College of Health Sciences, said in a statement. “Our mantra is ‘committed to excellence,’ and our faculty members work diligently to assure that graduates from the RN to BSN program are held to the same high level of academic standards for which the Carolyn McKelvey Moore School of Nursing is recognized.”
Nycole Oliver of Greenwood graduated from the program in 2010 after earning her associate degree six years before. She found the flexibility of the online classes fit her busy schedule, which included raising a child while working as a registered nurse at Sparks.
After earning her bachelor’s, Oliver earned her master’s and doctorate degrees in nursing and nursing practice from the University of South Alabama. Now, she has worked her way to Nurse Practitioner with Prime Physicians at Sparks and become an instructor in the university’s Western Arkansas Technical Center, which offers concurrent credit opportunities to high schoolers in the area.