Find Your Motivation On This Monday

by Todd Jones ([email protected]) 135 views 

It is another Monday and that means you may need some fuel for your motivation. Talk Business & Politics’ Startup reporter Todd Jones has put together a few things that may help.

Here are six articles, three from Inc. and three from Entrepreneur, ripe with tips and quotes for motivation.

Inc. Magazine

100 Best Motivational Quotes to Inspire Anyone

7 Ways Entrepreneurs Stay Motivated

57 Ways To Motivate Your Inner Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur Magazine

50 Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You

10 Optimistic and Inspiring Quotes

30 Motivational Quotes to Help Realize Your Entrepreneurial Dreams

What ways do you stay motivated? Do you listen to music, books or podcasts? What types of things keep you fueled for the journey?

Other articles

11 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues

50 Motivational Quotes That Will Put Your Motivation on Overdrive


In addition, we looked for some motivational tweets on Twitter and found a couple to share, one from Arkansas-based Campus Concierge.