Independence Day And Entrepreneurship

by Todd Jones ([email protected]) 244 views 

The Fourth of July is Saturday, and it’s a time we celebrate our country’s independence. There is something about the spirit of each American that embraces our freedom.

We wondered what those who work with, in and around Arkansas entrepreneurs thought about Independence Day, so we decided to ask a few to share their thoughts.

Here is what they told us.

To Steven Trotter, running your own business allows for creativity and innovation.

Steven Trotter – Forge and Netcar
“Starting and running your own business can be scary at times. However, the ability to be creative and innovative without traditional workplace boundaries turns your ‘job’ into a passion. This feeling of freedom and independence, even with the risk, is why I wouldn’t trade entrepreneurship for working for someone else again.”

For Brett Amerine, entrepreneurship is something to be thankful for.

Brett Amerine – Startup Junkie
“Being that Independence Day is a celebration of this country’s declaration of independence from Great Britain, entrepreneurs in this country have a lot to be grateful for. It was a day that signifies and celebrates the spirit and culture in this country: a spirit of liberty, freedom, and opportunity. Entrepreneurs in this country should be thankful that they have a platform to be successful, thanks to a country that is based on liberty, freedom, and opportunity. That is not always the case in the rest of the world.”

For Erica Swallow, while our country is diverse, we have a ways to go for that to be represented in the business world.

Erica Swallow – Noble Impact
“While I am grateful that we as Americans have the honor of celebrating our independence from colonialism this Saturday, I am constantly reminded as I look around today’s world, that much of our power structure still resembles the world of 1776. The signing of the Declaration of Independence and the many events that led up to its signing were attended solely by white men.

“Today, if we look around at the top businesses, the fastest growing startups, and our governmental systems, we see mostly white males in their governing ranks. The majority of CEOs, board members, and decision-makers across Fortune 500 companies and Unicorn startups alike are white males. As we move forward, though, I am hopeful that we will continue to build on the diversity that has only recently begun to take hold in our nation’s top organizations of change and impact. The American populace is diverse and ever-changing – we must cultivate leadership that reflects our eclectic, but ultimately shared, values.

“So, as we celebrate independence and freedom this July 4th, I hope that we also take time to reflect upon the progress that is still left to be made in building a society and rank of leaders that reflects our nation as a whole, as women and men from all backgrounds and walks of life.”

To Tim Freeman, entrepreneurship represents the ultimate in American independence.

Tim Freeman – CEO of HARK
“Entrepreneurship, in my opinion, is the ultimate expression of American independence. Entrepreneurs by nature have an independent streak, and America’s founding principles of liberty and self-reliance not only support and enable entrepreneurship, they encourage it.”

What does entrepreneurship and Independence Day have to do with each other to you?