Fort Smith Museum of History Goldman Hotel Exhibit Opening
by July 3, 2015 11:19 am 664 views
Fort Smith Museum of History
Goldman Hotel Exhibit Opening
Saturday, July 18, 1:00 pm
Join the Fort Smith Museum of History on July 18 at 1:00 pm for an opening reception of an updated exhibit on the Goldman Hotel. Thank you to Bill England and family for a donation of artifacts, photographs and a reproduction of a mural of the hotel lobby painted by Laura England Cunningham.
The Goldman Hotel opened on the corner of Garrison Avenue and North 13th Street on February 1, 1910 offering "the most palatial hostelry in the southwest." Visitors were instantly taken in by the magnificent lobby with its tile floor, oriental rugs and luxurious furniture. A coffee shop, barber shop and shoeshine stand were all readily available. The Goldman Hotel was open until 1959.
New additions to the exhibit include a desk used by John A. England, a table from the lobby and photographs of Harry Truman and Eleanor Roosevelt visiting the Goldman Hotel.
The reception is offered free with museum admission: $5 adults, $2 children, under age six are free.
Mural painted by Laura England Cunningham, daughter of William England and granddaughter of John A. England, owners and managers of the Goldman Hotel.