Hutchinson Names Members To Criminal Justice Task Force
by April 27, 2015 3:37 pm 207 views
Gov. Asa Hutchinson named his members to the Legislative Criminal Justice Oversight Task Force, an interim working panel created by the Criminal Justice Reform Act of 2015 (Act 895) of the regular session.
The task force will meet for the first time on Thursday, April 30th at 10:00 a.m. in the Big MAC building on the state Capitol grounds.
Hutchinson’s members include:
Judge Gary Arnold, Specialty Court Judge
Judge Cristi Beaumont, Specialty Court Judge
Sheriff Tim Helder, Washington County Sheriff
Ken Casady, Saline County Prosecuting Attorney
Chief Kent Buckner, City of Little Rock Police Chief
Steve Newsome, LCSW, President/CEO of Counseling Asso. Inc., Medicaid Provider
Robin Raveendran, Medicaid Provider
John Wesley Hall, Attorney, At-Large Member
Tjuana Byrd, Attorney, At-Large Member
Drew Baker, Business Proprietor, At-Large Member
Senator Jeremy Hutchinson, Senate Judiciary Chairman
Representative Matthew Shepherd, House of Representatives Judiciary Chairman
Benny Magness, Chairman, Arkansas Board of Corrections
John Felts, Chairman, Arkansas Parole Board
Wendy Kelley, Director, Department of Corrections
Sheila Sharp, Director, Arkansas Community Corrections
The Senate President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House also have appointees to the committee.