History Walks
by April 15, 2015 11:21 am 160 views
Historical organizations in Benton and Washington counties are teaming up to offer history walks along the Razorback Regional Greenway as part of the Greenway's grand opening celebration on Saturday, May 2. All walks will begin at 2:00 p.m.
Join Fayetteville historian Charlie Alison on a history walk exploring Fayetteville's geological, architectural, railroad, business, and social history.
The walk will begin at the Lafayette Street Bridge just north of Arsaga's Depot coffeehouse (548 W. Dickson) on the Razorback Regional Greenway. From the Lafayette Street Bridge the walk will proceed south to Tsa La Gi Trail. The walk is two miles round trip. Parking is available on Dickson Street.
Sponsored by Washington County Historical Society
Join Shiloh Museum outreach coordinator Susan Young on a history walk exploring Springdale historic sites associated with the Trail of Tears, the Civil War, pioneer churches, and early businesses.
The walk will begin at the Spring Creek boardwalk next to the Shiloh Museum (118 W. Johnson Avenue) on the Razorback Regional Greenway and proceed north. The walk is about 1 mile round trip.
Sponsored by Shiloh Museum of Ozark History
Join Lowell Historical Museum director Liz Estes on a history walk exploring Lowell history.
The walk will begin at Goad Springs Cemetery on South Goad Springs Street adjacent to the Razorback Regional Greenway and proceed northeast. Parking is available at the cemetery. The walk is about 1 mile round trip.
Sponsored by Lowell Historical Museum
Join Rogers Historical Museum adult program educator Monte Harris on a history walk exploring the Osage Springs area in west Rogers, including Native American, pioneer, and Civil War history, as well as more recent additions to the historic landscape such as the fish hatchery and the Rife Barn.
The walk will begin at the parking lot adjacent to Osage Springs on the east corner of New Hope Road and 46th Street, near Steak 'n Shake (1715 S. 46th Street) and proceed south. The walk is about 1 mile round trip.
Sponsored by Rogers Historical Museum
Join Benton County Historical Society members Leah Whitehead, Fred Coffee, and Mike Carney on a history walk exploring the Slaughter Pen Trail area on the Razorback Regional Greenway, including the origins of the name "Slaughter Pen," railroad history, natural history, and the development of the popular Slaughter Pen bike trail.
The walk will begin at the A Street trailhead parking lot, 906 NE A St. The walk is about 1 mile round trip.
Sponsored by Benton County Historical Society
Join members of the Bella Vista Museum for a history walk along the Lake Bella Vista Trail on the Razorback Regional Greenway.
The walk will begin at Parking Lot C (the east parking lot near the Veterans Wall of Honor) on Cold Cave Road at Lake Bella Vista Park, just off Highway 71. The walk is about 1 mile round trip.
Sponsored by Bella Vista Museum
For more information, contact Susan Young at the Shiloh Museum, 479-750-8165.