Fort Smith March for Babies

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When:  Saturday, April 18, 2015
Registration begins at 9:00am
Walk begins at 10:00am

Where:  Creekmore Park, Fort Smith, AR

Description:  March for Babies is a family-friendly event benefitting the March of Dimes.  Registration begins at 9:00am, the 5K walk at 10:00am, followed by awards and lunch. Participation in March for Babies will provide a memorable and rewarding day for the whole family including activities like face painting, team sign/poster creating, stroller decorating and more.  There will also be a garden of hope, where walkers can honor the babies in their life that they are walking in honor or memory of.

Why:  When you walk in March for Babies, you give hope to the more than half a million babies born too soon each year. The money you raise supports programs in Arkansas that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten our babies. We’ve been walking since 1970 and have raised an incredible $2.3 billion to benefit all babies
