Talk Politics Midweek Roundtable: The Private Option, Judges And Robert E. Lee
by January 21, 2015 4:18 pm 120 views
This week’s “Talk Politics” roundtable is online now. You can watch the video below.
This week, Talk Business & Politics Editor-in-Chief Roby Brock, KATV’s lead capitol reporter Janelle Lilley, Max Brantley with the Arkansas Times, and GOP consultant Clint Reed with Impact Management Group were our roundtable guests.
Topics on the table: What will Gov. Hutchinson say in his private option speech on Thursday? Should the state appoint, rather than elect, judges? What hot button issues – outside of the major topics – will rise to the top this session? And, should the state have a Robert E. Lee holiday?
Our online roundtable, done in partnership with KATV and Talk Business & Politics, hopes to become part of your regular Wednesday afternoon political fix. The format invites each guest to bring a question to the table for the other panelists to offer opinion and commentary on.
“Talk Politics” can be viewed online on Wednesday afternoons on and