Mother Nature Reading Times

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 88 views 

Mother Nature Unveils Her Reading Times at Hobbs State Park for the first Four Months of 2015

Who is that nurturing lady sporting hair laced with tangled vines and a smile that twinkles like snowflakes in the sun?  It’s Mother Nature, and she occasionally shows herself to the delight of young, wide-eyed fans right here in northwest Arkansas.   

Mother Nature herself has become, in fact, a permanent fixture at Hobbs State Park –Conservation Area.  Every 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m. she visits the Park to excite the imaginations of all the children around her. 

Upcoming visit dates and reading topics:
January 10, 2015 – Bear Snores On
February 14, 2015 – Follow Those Tracks
March 14, 2015 – Where Our Animal Friends Live
April 11, 2015 – Let’s Take a Hike

Story time will be followed by “hands-on” nature-craft activities.  Children of all ages are welcome, however most stories will target children 3-6 years of age.

Meet Mother Nature in the lobby of the Hobbs State Park – Conservation Area visitor center located on Hwy 12 just east of the Hwy 12/War Eagle Road intersection.  Mother Nature is looking forward to seeing you and your children.  Reservations are not required.  Cost:  FREE     Length – one hour.  For more information call:  479-789-5000