Cook: Ross Calls RGA TV Ad ‘Dishonest, Slanderous’

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 130 views 

A good rule of thumb for political ads is that when the high-paid announcer mispronounces the name of a town then the rest of the ad is probably suspect as well.

Such is the case with the latest Republican Governors Association TV ad attacking Mike Ross, who called the spot “slanderous.” In the first four seconds of the ad, the baritone announcer mispronounces Prescott.

The RGA ad lamely covers accusations on the 2007 sale of Mike and Holly Ross’ family pharmacy that have been proven false by the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and the U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee. You can watch the laughable ad here.

Today, the Ross campaign released a response ad that eviscerates the RGA ad’s false charges and counter-punches by reminding voters about how Hutchinson cheated on his taxes and was a D.C. lobbyist.

You can watch the latest Ross video below.

Mike Ross put out a statement about the RGA ad:

“This dishonest TV ad by Congressman Hutchinson’s allies in Washington is nothing more than another deceitful attempt to distract from the fact that Congressman Hutchinson broke the law over several years when he took illegal tax credits on multiple homes.

“Comprehensive reviews from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette found the sale of our family pharmacy ‘very average’ and they called the attack nothing more than a ‘smear.’

“The bipartisan House Ethics Committee dismissed these partisan allegations, said my wife and I handled the sale ‘appropriately’ and then closed the matter completely.

“This ad — that doesn’t even pronounce the name of my hometown correctly — attacks my wife, my family business and every small town and family-owned small business in Arkansas. If Congressman Hutchinson has even an ounce of ethics and integrity, he will join our campaign in calling on the RGA to immediately pull this slanderous ad from the airwaves and apologize.”
