Alla Prima Figure Painting: Workshop by David Shevlino

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This workshop will take place at the Fort Smith Regional Art Museum on November 5 – 7, 2014 from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. This class is about painting the figure Alla Prima (wet into wet) and the techniques used to create a fresh, direct response to our subjects. There will be an initial demonstration, then students will work on how to interpret and simplify their subject by seeing the figure as a series of basic shapes and forms described by color/light and shadow. By learning to simplify what we see, we become better able to paint our subjects with greater clarity and directness. This class will be particularly helpful to students who wish to paint more loosely and to use their brushstrokes with economy.
The cost for members is $250 and for non-members is $275. For the artist’s biography, a list of materials and information on how to register visit