Women Can! Conference Hopes To Inspire Leadership Gains

by Kerri Jackson Case ([email protected]) 92 views 

The advancement of women is not just a woman’s issue; it’s an economic issue. That’s what the organizers of the upcoming Women Can! Conference believe.

“In many homes today, women are the sole earner,” said Susie Marks of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, a co-sponsor of the upcoming event. “When we make sure those women are moving up, we make sure whole families succeed. Also, from an employer standpoint, if you’re overlooking roughly half your workforce, you’re missing out on a lot of talent.”

The one-day conference scheduled for Tuesday, March 18 at Verizon Arena in North Little Rock, will feature Anne Doyle, leadership and communications strategist, media commentator and author of “POWERING UP! How America’s Women Achievers Become Leaders”; and Sonja Hubbard, CPA, Chief Executive Officer for E-Z Mart Stores Inc. which is headquartered in Arkansas.

Other Arkansas women of note: Executive Director of the Clinton Foundation Stephanie Streett, alongside fashion designer and reality television star Korto Mormolu in a moderated discussion about women in the public eye.

Organizers hope not only to inspire women, but also to give them the tools they need to take the next step in their careers, whether that be pursuing the next promotion into leadership, starting their own business, or seeking public office.

“There’s a lot of talk about mentorship for personal growth or growth of a career,” said Marks. “We want to focus on sponsorship, what that means, and how to make it happen.”

The conference will also address leadership in male-dominated fields, managing men, personal branding, negotiation skills, small business ownership, politics and the unintended consequences of success.

“We want women to walk away empowered and ready to say: Women can lead. Women can own. Women can serve,” said Marks. “Whatever their personal third word is, they can achieve it.”

The conference is presented by Leadership Arkansas and the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce. For more information or to register, visit www.womencan.us or contact Susie Marks at 501-372-2222.