Cook: Democratic Governor’s Association Releases TV AD Attacking Asa Hutchinson

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 144 views 

Today, the Democratic Governor’s Association waded into the Arkansas’s governor’s race by releasing their first television ad. Roughly a week ago, the Republican Governor’s Association released their own television ad in support of Asa Hutchinson.

The ad, scheduled to start on Wednesday, is titled “Independent” and hits Asa Hutchinson for his D.C. lobbyist days and contrasts the Republican with Mike Ross’s record of independence.

The ad is scheduled to run in media markets around the state and is funded by Jobs and Opportunity, an organization affiliated with the DGA.

Here’s the script:

Washington DC lobbyist Asa Hutchinson. Already desperately attacking Mike Ross. Why? Maybe it’s because Hutchinson wants to hide the fact that his lobbying firm made millions from corporations pushing the Wall Street and Detroit Bailouts — even a stimulus bill.

But Mike Ross is different. Rated one of the most independent members of Congress, he fought for a balanced budget amendment and voted against Congressional pay raises.

And a statement from the group behind the ad:

“D.C. lobbyist Asa Hutchinson has spent so much time wheeling and dealing in Washington that he’s forgotten what Arkansas values look like,” said Jobs and Opportunity spokesman Danny Kanner. “While Hutchinson and his lobbying firm were cashing in on a stimulus bill and the Wall Street and Detroit bailouts, Mike Ross was fighting for a balanced budget amendment and voting against congressional pay raises. That’s a real record of independence that Arkansans can respect.”

Now that both the Democratic and Republic Governor’s Association are on the air, we can expect to see many more television ads from these two well-funded groups.
