Cook: Asa Hutchinson Loves to Dance a Little Side-Step

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 142 views 

You may love it or hate, but we can all agree the Private Option is the biggest debate going on in Arkansas politics right now. Whatever the state legislature decides to do with its reauthorization will literally impact hundreds of thousands of Arkansans and their families.

Today, Mike Ross filed for Governor and made it clear where he stands on this major policy decision:

“Let me be clear: I would have voted for it, I would have signed it into law, and as governor I would do my best to continue the private option.”

There’s no doubt where Mike Ross stands on the Private Option. Ross is not a fan of Obamacare in general. He voted against the final bill in Congress and voted to repeal the ACA numerous times.

And where does Asa Hutchinson stand on the Private Option?  He refuses to answer that most basic question and instead dances a little side-step when asked about it.

Here’s what Hutchinson said earlier this week when asked if he approves reauthorization of the Private Option:

“I’m hoping that the legislature, as they’re divided right now that they can bring this together and they can end this debate. I have intentionally stayed out of it because one, you only have one governor at a time, I don’t have a vote in the process.”

This is Hutchnson’s idea of leadership? We only have one governor at a time? Once I read that statement, I went back to make sure it wasn’t from an article in The Onion. Voters want to know where the likely Republican nominee stands on the most important policy debate our faces, but he refuses to give his position, even when pressed by the media.

Here is a fun video that exposes Asa Hutchinson method of answering questions.

One may not like Mike Ross’s position on the Private Option, but at least you know where he stands.

Asa Hutchinson “loves to dance a little side-step and lead the people on.” It probably explains why he’s lost three races for statewide office.