Butch Calhoun: Why The Farm Bill Is So Important To Arkansas

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 245 views 

Editor’s note: This guest commentary was written by Butch Calhoun, Arkansas’ Agriculture Secretary. A former state legislator and county judge, A former state legislator and county judge, Calhoun farmed for over 30 years.

While much of the attention during the farm bill debate was centered on farm subsidies and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps), both of which are actually very important to thousands of Arkansans, the farm bill is much more than these two issues.

It would surprise many who don’t live and breathe agriculture, but this bill addresses such a broad range of issues that, at the end of the day, play a tremendous role in the well-being of all Arkansans and our state’s economy.

The farm bill, in its entirety, is arguably the most critical piece of federal legislation for Arkansas’s economy and its people.

This bill provided major reforms to the commodity support programs and the nutrition program, saving taxpayers roughly $23 billion. Beyond these reforms, it is important to understand the full importance of the farm bill.   It provides assistance for nearly all agricultural commodities, offers important investments our rural communities, and provides the authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide a wide array of day-to-day services to farmers, agriculture businesses and the American consumer.

As the Secretary of the Arkansas Agriculture Department, I would like to provide a brief summary of the farm bill and the benefits it provides for Arkansas. I hope this short title by title summary will help you learn more about the various components of this important bill and why it’s needed for our state.

Commodity Title – The bill provides assistance to farmers and ranchers for most agricultural commodities when crop prices collapse or other disaster situations occur.   Direct payments were eliminated, which means farmers no longer receive automatic government payments.  Farmers compete worldwide in a competitive market often distorted by foreign governments.  The U.S. safety net programs provide a more level playing field with global competitors and help keep our farmers and ranchers in business, thus maintaining a safe, abundant and affordable domestically produced supply of food.

Conservation Title – The bill provides cost share assistance to producers who reserve farmland for wildlife habitat and implement soil and water conservation practices.  This maintains clean water and sustainable agriculture production for future generations.  It also helps maintain Arkansas’s distinction as the natural state and the hub for wintering migratory fowl.

Insurance Title – The bill provides assistance to farmers when hit with natural disasters and other unforeseen events that would otherwise cause significant economic damage.  Farmers must purchase all insurance policies.  These safety net tools help farmers manage a variety of risks in a very risky industry.

Trade Title – The bill provides funding to help promote U.S. agriculture products and develop export markets around the globe.  This title also authorizes important food for peace initiatives, many of which utilize rice, soybeans, corn and other commodities grown right here in Arkansas.

Nutrition Title – The bill provides food assistance for low income families and school meals for children.  The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the food stamp program) helps not only hungry, low income Americans, but also the agriculture and food processing industries as it allows for food purchases that would not happen otherwise.  It also helps transportation and retail businesses who deliver and sell these food products.  This title is often misunderstood and misrepresented.  I applaud Congress for keeping it viable, while addressing fraud and abuse issues.

Credit Title – The bill provides affordable and accessible credit for farmers and rural businesses.  This includes farm operations, housing, infrastructure development, and other farm and rural business needs.  Our Arkansas banks and farm credit services utilize these programs to provide capital and financing for individuals and businesses in rural areas.

Rural Development Title – The bill provides funding for economic development projects in rural communities.  Funding under this title goes towards rural broadband systems, rural housing, water and wastewater systems, and telemedicine.  It also includes rural business and industry loans and grants which support small businesses and entrepreneurs.  The Delta Regional Authority (DRA) would not be able to do its work of supporting business enterprises and communities in Arkansas without this title.

Research Title – The bill provides funding for critical agriculture research in seed development, nutrition, conservation, marketing, best management practices, and other related agri and forestry production research needs including animal and plant health.  Also supports extension services from the University of Arkansas for farmers, ranchers, and rural families.  This title supports research at various USDA Agriculture Research Service stations and University of Arkansas agriculture research facilities.  This research keeps the U.S. on the cutting edge of agriculture production and maintains a strong and innovative agri sector.

Forestry Title – The bill provides funding for our forest service and timber industry, including firefighting funds and forest pest management.  These funds are important for private landowners as well as the Ouachita and Ozark/St. Francis National Forests.

Energy Title – The bill helps deliver electricity to rural communities and supports rural electric cooperatives.  Many areas of Arkansas would be without electricity where it not for the programs in this title.  It also provides support for renewable fuels from bio-based sources.  It also incentivizes farmers to invest in energy efficient systems and lower electric bills.

Horticulture Title – The bill contains numerous provisions that help specialty crop producers of fruits, vegetables and other plants.  Arkansas has a diverse horticulture industry, and we lead many other states in production of specialty crops.

Miscellaneous Title – The Livestock section supports food safety.  The inspection services provided under this law address imported catfish as well as other animal and plant health programs to ensure that we eat safe food.  This title also provides disaster assistance for livestock producers through an indemnity program and a pilot program to help eradicate feral swine.  Lastly, the miscellaneous title provides incentives for socially disadvantaged and beginning farmer and ranchers, which helps bring about new generations of food producers.

If you see a farmer or rancher, please thank them for bringing food to your table.  It’s not easy work, and often it’s something we all take for granted.

If you have a chance to thank the Arkansans in Congress who supported the farm bill, please do that too. Their support for this measure allows us all to enjoy a safe, affordable and abundant supply of food. Many other countries around the world are far less fortunate.