Bush, Embry join Beall Barclay as a staff accountants
by February 4, 2014 2:14 pm 120 views
Hannah Bush and Jacob Embry have been hired at Beall Barclay & Co.
Hannah, originally from Paron, Ark., has bachelor’s degree in business administration with a major in accounting. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arkansas Tech University in December 2013.
Bush was in the Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society and a 2013 Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. She assisted the universities accounting department for three semesters during her senior fellowship and was the president of the Accounting Club. Bush also spent much of her time being an accounting tutor for the College of Business.
Embry, a Huntsville, Ark., native, received a golf scholarship from the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith and received his bachelor’s degree in business administration and accounting in December 2012. He gained additional education during is accounting internship at First National Bank in their accounting department. After graduating from the university and completing his internship, Jacob worked for Frost, PLLC as a tax staff accountant.