Tolbert: AFP Will Not ‘Score’ Vote On Private Option Funding

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 119 views 

On the eve before the House votes on refunding the Private Option, it seems at least one key conservative group has signaled that it will give members a pass on this vote.  Americans for Prosperity state director Jason Cline sent the letter to House members today saying they will not “score” their vote on the appropriation.

“AFP has steadfastly fought to stop Medicaid expansion in Arkansas and will continue to lead this effort. While we do not support this bill, we are not going to score the vote,” wrote Cline in his letter.

He also praised the amendments added to the bill by Reps. Nate Bell and John Burris last week saying these amendments “begin to take back ground from the expansion.”  He went on to write that “the promise of a silver bullet to stop the law is a false hope.”

As one of the most vocal and organized conservative groups in Arkansas, Cline’s letter could carry some weight with some key legislators who may be on the fence.  They have already demonstrated they will spend money campaigning for or against educating voters on state legislators based on their votes.  With every nose being counted to reach the needed 75 in the House and 27 in the Senate, this might move a few.

A top House leader I spoke with today declined to speculate what will happen when the House votes tomorrow saying only that is “gonna be close.”

Here is the full letter from AFP…

Dear Representative,

This week the Arkansas Legislature is expected to vote on funding the budget for the Arkansas Department of Human Services. Some believe that opposing the budget is the opportunity to defund Medicaid expansion in Arkansas (also known as the Arkansas Private Option), a key push of President Obama’s Health Care Law.

AFP has steadfastly fought to stop Medicaid Expansion in Arkansas and will continue to lead this effort. While we do not support this bill, we are not going to score the vote. The bill contains amendments that begin to take back ground from the expansion. Here are some key points we found in our research on this.

• Stops taxpayer funding of television ads promoting expansion.
• Stops taxpayer funded calls, direct mail, and emails to sign people up. 65,000 people alone signed up through direct mail.
• Stops taxpayer funding of Obamacare “Navigators”.
• Requires the federal government’s approval of Health Savings Accounts, successfully used by former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R).

Before the legislative session, we thanked those legislators who stood firm against expansion. We will certainly continue to educate citizens on the original vote that passed the expansion.

As we learned with President Obama’s health care law, it is a long fight. The promise of a silver bullet to stop the law is a false hope. AFP-Arkansas will continue to lead the fight against the disastrous government take over.

In 2014, AFP-Arkansas will continue to aggressively educate citizens on the impact the government take-over of health care has on citizens on the federal and state level. You can see our current education efforts HERE.

We have always been forthright with our members on issues. We thank you for standing with us in so many battles. If we can answer your questions, please contact us.


Jason Cline

Arkansas Director

Americans for Prosperity