Still Awake Still
The show features the legendary Ms. Ivory Tinklefinger, Queen of Sleep, whose absurd task is to sing the audience to sleep. On a magnificent grand piano, she proudly performs her lullabies. But not only does she fail to put a single child to sleep, she also conjures two mischievous musical boys from the heart of the piano. What’s happening? Who is in control here? And can she resist the temptation to join in?
Inspired by parents’ daily challenge of putting their little ones to bed, STILL AWAKE STILL! explores the tussle between order and chaos, rest and play, reason and intuition, in a drama that celebrates the process of creativity.
Content Consideration: Best for ages 4-10. Make the night more fun! Little ones are encouraged to come in their PJs!
Where: Walton Arts Center
Price: $6
Contact: [email protected]