Congressional Delegation Responds To State Of The Union

by J.R. Davis ([email protected]) 74 views 

All eyes were on Capitol Hill last night as President Barack Obama laid out his 2014 “Year of Action” agenda in his fifth State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress. But if you ask members of the Arkansas congressional delegation, none were too impressed, including Democratic Senator Mark Pryor.

“Overall, I’m disappointed with the President’s State of the Union address because he was heavy on rhetoric, but light on specifics about how we can move our country forward,” said Pryor, who sent a clear message that he is distancing himself from the president while he runs for re-election against Republican Congressman Tom Cotton. “I’ve always said that I’ll work with the President when I think he’s right, but oppose him when I think he’s wrong. That’s why I’ve opposed his policies on gun control, the Keystone Pipeline, military action in Syria, regulatory overreach on our farms-to name a few-and why I’ll continue to oppose his agenda when it’s bad for Arkansas and our country.

“I had hoped he would strike a more bipartisan tone because, if recent history shows anything, red vs. blue is dead end politics. We must work together if we want to get things done and strengthen our economy.”

Cotton had plenty of observations of his own.

“Last night we heard more of the same empty promises from President Obama,” added Cotton. “But what we didn’t hear was an apology for Obamacare, his unworkable law that’s making healthcare more expensive and life harder for Arkansans. Real solutions won’t come from more of President Obama’s big government policies, Arkansans deserve a leader who will fight to get government out of the way, cut our deficit, and rein in spending.”

The president hit on a number of issues, as you would imagine in a speech lasting a little over an hour. The two headliners, if you will — minimum wage and immigration — will also perhaps be the most divisive moving forward, but the commander-in-chief made it clear that a deadlocked Congress won’t stop him from getting things done.

“America does not stand still, and neither will I,” Obama said. “So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”

That’s precisely what the president intends to do regarding minimum wage. Through the power of executive order, the president is raising the minimum wage for federal contract workers to $10.10 per hour. The move — in a way — is designed to put pressure on Congress to raise the national minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $9 by the end of 2015.

On the immigration front, the president renewed his call for comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for roughly 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. and he called for passage this year. Bipartisan legislation has already passed the Senate, and House Republicans are expected to meet this week to outline their immigration plan.

The president seemed to strike a bipartisan cord with some items, like income equality among women and tax reform. President Obama wants to expand the earned-income tax credit — something some Republicans have expressed interest in doing as well.

Here’s what the rest of the Arkansas congressional delegation had to say after last night:

Senator John Boozman (R)

“President Obama’s policies have resulted in 5 million Americans losing their health insurance under Obamacare, a stalled economic recovery, high unemployment, and increased income inequality. These are problems he created. We need to ask ourselves, are we better off today?

“The President continues to ignore the results and consequences of the failed policies of his presidency. While he is calling for a ‘year of action,’ his intention is clear – to circumvent Congress. Pursuing executive actions to push through his agenda is a troubling trend. The American people sent their elected officials to Washington to represent their needs and the President should not ignore their voices.

“Our country is made up of a resilient workforce that wants a hand-up, not a hand-out. We need to promote policies that will strengthen our economy, encourage innovation and endorse methods to help our businesses expand and grow in order to put hardworking Americans back to work. Congress is ready to act. Awaiting action on Senate Majority Leader Reid’s desk are dozens of job-creating, commonsense bills.

“As Arkansas families are finding themselves cash-strapped because of increasing regulations including the compliance with higher premiums, deductibles and canceled health care coverage under Obamacare, the President continues to pick winners and losers and decides who has to follow the law. Congress is ready to act to institute real reforms and that begins with dismantling the Affordable Care Act and creating a health care system that is accessible, fair, affordable and flexible.

“I’m ready to act on the behalf of all Arkansans, and all Americans, to institute real reforms to ensure a social safety net for those most in need, create opportunities for workers, address our ever-growing debt, and restore our standing in the world. I call on the President to start solving these problems instead of creating new ones.”

Rep. Rick Crawford (R) – First District

“Tonight Arkansans heard from the President about his priorities for our nation. Unfortunately, he continues to avoid the biggest problem holding back economic growth – the ever growing debt crisis. It is sad that President Obama continues to insist that it makes sense to rush ahead with trillions in new entitlement spending while Social Security and Medicare remain in fiscal distress and the national debt is hurtling toward unsustainable levels increasing economic uncertainty.”

Rep. Tim Griffin (R) – Second District

“The President promises to make this year one of action, but getting things done will require more than just words. In his State of the Union address, he again invited critics of Obamacare to suggest ways we can improve our health care system, but 50 days later, I’m still waiting for his response to my letter detailing nine key proposals. On this issue and others, it’s time for President Obama to step up and work with Congress to make things happen. My colleagues and I in the House are also willing to work with him to grow the economy and spur job creation, by approving critical infrastructure projects like the Keystone pipeline and passing tax reform that makes our code fairer, flatter and simpler. With so many Americans hurt by Obamacare or struggling to find work, I hope President Obama means what he says and will turn his words into real action.”

Rep. Steve Womack (R) – Third District

“Tonight, President Obama called for a year of action and asked whether we in Congress are going to “help or hinder” America’s progress. Unfortunately, I’m afraid our nation can’t take much more of the top-down, government-expanding “action” and “progress” for which he’s calling. I know for certain that Arkansas’s Third District can’t; I hear it from you, my constituents, day after day.

“You have told me you need policies that allow you to hold the keys to your success instead of promoting the status quo, that grow the economy and not the federal government, that enable you to create jobs rather than make doing so a disincentive, and that empower you to achieve your goals and the American dream without holding them back with red tape. That’s what we’ve been working on in the House, and that’s the America to which I’m committed. I will continue to work with my colleagues – and hopefully President Obama – to find solutions to these problems – the problems you face – and to create more opportunity and a stronger America.”