Notes From The Campaign Trail 9.6.13

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 110 views 

A compilation of inbox media advisories, press releases, tips, news clips, and notes from the campaign trail:

The conservative Club For Growth is soliciting its Arkansas donors for money to support a web ad campaign against Sen. Mark Pryor (D). In an email sent Thursday (Sept. 5), the group highlighted comments and positions from Pryor regarding Obamacare.

The Club For Growth noted its previous TV advertising that criticized Pryor, but added:

But with the changing way Americans are consuming media, television alone isn’t enough. And that is why Club for Growth Action is planning to launch a substantial Internet ad campaign in our expanded effort to reach even more Arkansas voters…

We all witnessed in 2012 just how much impact an effectively run digital campaign can have in key races. An effective digital strategy is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

No word on when the web ad campaign might launch.

Cong. Tom Cotton (R) looks like he may be the only Arkansas federal official supportive of limited interaction in Syria. All of the other 5 members of the Arkansas delegation have expressed major concerns and trepidation with the President’s push.

Sen. John Boozman (R) sent an email to supporters saying he was “pleased” that the President sought Congressional approval for the use of force in Syria, then raised several questions that he indicated would dictate his vote. They include:

How will one limited strike be successful in ending Assad’s war against the Syrian people? What is the end game of military intervention? Who are our allies in this effort and which side are we on? And finally is this a prudent use of force?

The President needs to completely answer these questions if he wants to get the support of the American people. Until he does, I cannot support military intervention. I will keep you posted on Facebook and on my website as things develop so please check back frequently.

Cong. Tim Griffin (R) spoke to a State Chamber of Commerce crowd on Thursday. He told the group he wanted to wait until a Monday briefing to cement his current position of “no” on Syria. Afterwards, Griffin said it would take a “miracle argument” to changes his mind.

Cong. Rick Crawford (R) tweeted Thursday night: “Barring a major change in events I have decided to vote against a resolution to conduct military operations in #Syria.”

Cong. Steve Womack (R) told a town hall audience in Fort Smith that he’s leaning against a vote of authorization.

“I say I lean no because to be fair to the process, I need to see the brief. I need to go to the classified briefing on Monday and then sometime either Monday night or Tuesday morning, I’ll issue my final statement. I can’t imagine what I’m going to see in that brief that’s going to cause me to go from lean no to yes. But I can tell you this, probably no vote I will make in Congress is more important than when I vote to commit the resources and the lives of the sons and daughters of America into a confrontation.”

A spokesperson for Sen. Mark Pryor (D) said his position has not changed from earlier in the week when he expressed reservations on the subject.

On a programming note, Cong. Cotton will be on this week’s Capitol View TV program, which airs Sunday morning at 8:30 am on KARK, Ch. 4.  The subject: you guessed it, Syria.

The Arkansas GOP waited until later in the day on Wednesday to offer its objections to former President’s Bill Clinton speech on health care at the Clinton Library. Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman Doyle Webb managed to work in Obama’s name four times in the three-sentence statement as well as Democrats Sen. Mark Pryor and gubernatorial candidate Mike Ross.  Said Webb:

This is just the latest attempt by President Obama to try and convince the American people that Obamacare is working. Arkansans know Obamacare isn’t working because they see it every day in the form of delayed rules and mandates, higher premiums, job losses, and wage reductions. Just as importantly, voters have shown in poll after poll that they are ready to hold Senator Mark Pryor accountable for casting the deciding vote for Obamacare as well as Mike Ross for his role in helping enact a government-takeover of healthcare.

Neither Ross nor Pryor were at the event at the Clinton School due to previously scheduled events, their campaigns said.  Also of note, Bill Clinton was on “Clinton time” arriving a half hour late to the speech. We’re told he was still working on a portion of the speech that morning and was making changes, which led to the delay.