Slaves to Technology (Opinion)

by Paul Gatling ([email protected]) 108 views 

I read an interesting article the other day.

“Are you a digital addict?” was the headline that drew me in.

It instantly made me think of the running joke I have with a friend about our day-to-day activities.

For example, I might mention that I played golf one afternoon, or mowed my yard.

My friend would almost immediately reply that I did not, in fact, do either of those things. He hadn’t seen any evidence of it via Facebook.

I do use technology. I own a smartphone. I do not, however, chronicle life extensively via social media and the like.

In that vein, the article posed an admittedly unscientific quiz to examine whether the use of new technology runs a person’s life.

See for yourself.

How many days this week have you: __ Checked Twitter before getting out of bed? __ Had five minutes of Internet activity turn into more than 30 minutes? __ Gone into the bathroom just to monitor your smartphone activity? __ Texted while driving? __ Experienced FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because you weren’t familiar with a new Internet name? __ Texted while walking across the street? __ Shared a photo of your dinner, or your dog (or your dog eating dinner)? __ Said the phrase, “Pics/video or it didn’t happen”? __ Total.

How many times today have you: __ Said, “Just a sec, I have to check my [Facebook/Twitter/email/Instagram]”? __ Checked in to the same Starbucks on Foursquare? __ Reached for your cellphone during a meeting, just as a soothing mechanism? __ Panicked because a coworker caught you playing Candy Crush? __ Nearly walked into someone or something while checking your phone? __ Tweeted from the bathroom? __ Total.

Add up both totals for your score. And then overreact.

0-24: Keep calm, and carry on.

25-49: The next time you misplace your cellphone, do yourself a favor. Don’t look for it for a few hours. A break would be good.

More than 50: Your significant other is right — you have a problem.