More for Moore, OK Benefit

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 "More for Moore, OK!" with Zumba Fitness
and The River Valley Zumba Fitness Instructors

Eager to help Moore?

You still have a chance to bless the families affected by the recent tornadoes that ravaged the Moore, OK area, so let's get it shaking!

The "More for Moore, OK" benefit is a super fun and explosive Zumba fitness experience. You are invited to dance and have a great time while contributing to a worthy cause.

When: Friday, June 21, 2013, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m,

Where: Northside High School – Kaundart Field House (Basketball Gym)
             2301 North "B" Street
             Fort Smith, AR

Tickets are $10.00 and can be purchased at the event or prior to the event at the following locations (Note: Contributions will be accepted in lieu of ticket purchases if you choose not to attend the event.):*

Angel's Beauty Salon
115 N. Greenwood Ave, Fort Smith

The Good's Homewares
1809 Dodson, Fort Smith

*All proceeds from this event will go to fund the disaster relief effort in Moore, OK via North Church of Oklahoma City –

Contact Lynette Thrower at 479-871-1087 for more information.