Arkansas NRA Ad Thanks Pryor For Grassley Support
by June 13, 2013 10:15 am 131 views
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor (D) has been taking shots from liberal and conservative groups, but this week one conservative cause is providing him political cover.
The Arkansas members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) have paid for a statewide radio ad campaign this week thanking Pryor for his vote on the Grassley amendment. The amendment was an alternative to the Manchin-Toomey background gun check legislation that has put Pryor at odds with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
Both gun control measures failed in a Senate vote in May.
In the 60-second NRA ad, titled “The Truth,” a narrator says that the gun Timothy Dale Johnson used to murder former Democratic Party chairman Bill Gwatney was “bought legally.”
The ad accuses Bloomberg of using the death “to push a political agenda.”
“Bloomberg has no right to come to our state and exploit a tragedy. And he has no right to attack our senator, Mark Pryor, for standing up to Barack Obama and protecting our Second Amendment rights,” the ad says.
It also says Bloomberg is trying to “impose New York City views on law-abiding Arkansas gun owners.”
You can listen to the full radio ad here.