Sen. Pryor Gets Lucky With Obama Group’s Opposition

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 104 views 

Today, the LA Times reports that a non-profit advocacy group created to back President Obama’s agenda plans to target Senator Mark Pryor over his vote against expanding gun background checks.

Organizing for Action, which was created using the Obama campaign infrastructure, announced they plan to target the 45 U.S. Senators who voted against the background checks before you can a purchase a weapon. This includes Mark Pryor.

In other news, Mark Pryor just won the Powerball Lottery.

Having a pro-Obama group fighting against Mark Pryor in Arkansas is actually good news for the senior Senator. This allows Pryor to make the case that he is such a strong supporter of the Second Amendment that even Barack Obama’s PAC is attacking him for standing up for gun rights.

From the LA Times:

The group [OFA] plans to launch sustained campaigns in which constituents will call and tweet lawmakers, write letters to the editor and hold local events spotlighting their support for gun control. Its next major effort comes Saturday, when supporters are organizing rallies and other events in the states of key senators.

Granted, Pryor would rather not get heat from the right or the left over the gun issue, but Obama’s organization sets a nice foil to run against.

In politics your friends can define you, but so can your enemies. If Pryor plays it right, he can use these out-of-state group’s opposition to his advantage.