Well Played, Senator Pryor

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 109 views 

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is launching a television blitz in 13 states to influence Senators on various gun control efforts  making their way through the U.S. Senate.

One of the Senators Bloomberg wishes to influence with his television ad is U.S. Senator Mark Pryor.

From the Washington Post:

Bloomberg is spending $12 million — via his Mayors Against Illegal Guns group — on ads targeting 13 senators on broadening background checks for guns, a move designed to pressure them during a two-week April recess that precedes the debate on new proposed new gun control measures.

Today Senator Pryor released a one-sentence statement on Bloomberg’s gun control ad:

“I don’t take gun advice from the Mayor of New York City. I listen to Arkansans.”

Well played, Senator.

Bloomberg’s gun control TV ad in Arkansas is actually a blessing in disguise for Pryor. It allows Pryor to talk about his pro-gun and pro-hunting record and how he is in touch with Arkansas’s cultural values, while at the same time creating a helpful foil in Mayor Bloomberg. Bloomberg has more money than political sense on how to influence a U.S. Senator from a Southern state on guns.

Pryor understands you can never go wrong in Arkansas politics by railing against liberal gun control Yankees from New York City.