Your Pink Slip, Tom Cotton

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 98 views 

News hit my inbox today that the Democratic Congressional Committee (DCCC) is targeting Arkansas’s Republican Congressman via web ads over the sequester issue.

I’m told the DCCC is targeting Tim Griffin, Rick Crawford and Tom Cotton with these ads. You can watch the Cotton web ad at the bottom of this post.

From the DCCC release that goes after Tom Cotton:

As House Republicans stubbornly stand with millionaires and force potentially staggering job losses for the middle class, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching paid grassroots advertising to hold Congressman Tom Cotton accountable for the thousands of layoffs and other costs in the upcoming sequester.

“Your Pink Slip” begins today and is the first phase of the campaign, featuring a web ad that highlights the consequences of Tea Party House Republicans protecting millionaires instead of the middle class and forcing the sequester to happen.

Congressman Cotton and Tea Party House Republicans left the capital last week without any attempt to negotiate a deal on the sequester – a series of deep and indiscriminate cuts that experts estimate will eliminate more than a million jobs. The cuts will affect areas across the government from defense to domestic spending, including medical research, Army Corps of Engineers projects, federal law enforcement officers, Head Start and services to pregnant women.
